3 River's Chapter Logo



2013 Activities

December: A luncheon meeting, hosted by Linda & Dale

The Bistro at the Square
48 Jefferson Square (Hwy 21)
De Soto, MO

November 16th
A restaurant meeting hosted by Larry and Carolyn at:
Sybil’s of Saint James

President Brinkman called the meeting to order at 3:15 PM. She led us in the Pledge Of Allegiance.

Memberships represented included; Brinkman, Burhorn, Charpiot, Ehrhard, Ford, Haynes, Hunter, Johnson, Luzynski, Sheehan, Stanton, Tschannen and Weeks. Two guest couples, Gary and Jeanne Brickson and Larry and Darlene Picraux, joined us.

President Brinkman asked for members to acknowledge any November birthdays or
anniversaries. We sang Happy Birthday to congratulate Jim E. and Bob B. Sandy and Leo are celebrating their 50th anniversary and Jack and Janette are celebrating their 52nd anniversary.

Minutes of the October 2013 meeting were read and approved.

Renate, Treasurer, presented her report with a balance of $446.94.


Wagonmaster Linda reported on the forthcoming campouts. Details can be found below.

Renate and Jim E. reported on the Dogs For The Deaf program.

President Brinkman displayed the Top Dog Award flag and stand that Jim E. made. Thanks to Jim for his leadership and dedication to the Dogs For The Deaf Program.

Irv reported we mailed $6,234.40 of coupons this month. This brings our total for the year to $18,797.24. Postage cost was $12.35.

There are four boxes ready for shipping to our military in war zones. Jeanette will arrange for their mailing as directed in last months minutes, and the remaining items on-hand for boxes will be donated to a food pantry. Bob B. reported that he was informed that a food pantry has a campaign set for March and April because donations drop off after the end of the year holidays and, there is a program in place that will match individual gifts received during that time. He will obtain more information and report back. Looking for an alternative program to support our troops, Don reported that he heard that the Jefferson Barrack’s Veterans Hospital has an "Adopt a Veteran for Christmas" program. They request $30.00 per veteran donation. Jim S. made a motion that we donate $300.00. Linda seconded motion and it passed without opposition. Don will acquire the necessary details.

President Brinkman brought the following questions before the group:
1. Should we attend the Samboree in 2014?
2. Should we hold our September campout at the Samboree?
After much discussion Jeanette made a motion that we attend the Samboree, have our September campout during the Samboree, and the people scheduled to be hosts in September serve as hosts during the Samboree. Seconded by Sandy the motion passed.

We will review the Chapter By-Laws regarding our financial support of the Samboree.

President Brinkman stated that our guests have visited our Chapter on three occasions. She has spoken with them and both have expressed a desire to join the Chapter. She asked both couples to step out of the room so we could discuss their membership. After a brief discussion a motion was made and passed to approve Gary and Jeanne and Larry and Darlene as new members.

It is November and election year. Jim S., Nominating Committee Chairman reported the following nominations for consideration:
President - C. Brinkman
Vice President - J. Stanton
Secretary - I. Charpiot
Treasurer - R. Ehrhard
Wagon Master - L. Hunter
Calling for any additional nominations, and upon hearing none; he called for a vote on the entire slate as presented. The election of the named people was unanimous.

It was reported; Janet and Fred's daughter has breast cancer. She will be in everyone’s

Thank you, Larry and Carolyn your choice of restaurant was outstanding! And those
special tree ornaments will brighten our Christmas season..

A motion to adjourn was made by Larry. Seconded by Jack. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:53 P.M. 50/50 drawing was won by the Kevin.

October 19th: A campout hosted by Jim & Phylis at:
Big Creek RV Park

The October Campout of the Three Rivers Good Sam RV Chapter was held October 18th - 20th, 2013 at The Big Creek RV Park, and was hosted by Jim and Phyllis.

Memberships represented included: Basse, Brinkman, Burhorn, Charpiot, Ehrhard, Ford, Haynes, Hunter, Johnson, Luzynski, Sheehan, Stanton, Stiern, Tschannen and Weeks. Also joining us were two guest couples; John and Teree; and Gary and Jeanne.

By Thursday afternoon nine rigs were in camp and settled in for the night. After Dinner at Ryno's it was back to the meeting room to watch our Cardinals clinch the NL Pennant.

Friday brought six more rigs to join us. Folks already in camp spent the day exploring the area and "scoping out" the activities at the "Arcadia Mountain Music Festival" as well as the "Ozark Heritage Days" in Piedmont. The potluck cook out was a great success and of course, we had more food than we could consume. Thanks to Larry for the use of his BIG grill. It sure made it possible to get a lot done at the same time.

The last two rigs pulled in early on Saturday! Everyone spent most all of the day at either the Music Festival or Heritage Days. Everyone seemed to really enjoy whichever event they chose and some even made the run between Ironton and Piedmont and sampled the atmosphere at both. Lunch was available at both locations. Corn Dogs and Funnel Cakes seemed to be the big hit wherever you went. The buffet dinner at the Abby Restaurant capped off a busy day and then it was back to the meeting room for the biggest pass-the-trash game we’ve had in a long time. Starting with two tables, one guys and one gals, the winners at each faced off in a head-to-head match, winner take all. John Davis came away with the big pot.

Sunday, after the potluck breakfast the Business Meeting was convened. Following the meeting several couples returned to the Music Festival to enjoy the Civil War era music and of course more funnel cake. Be sure to ask Irv about his introduction to the three-string guitar.


President Brinkman called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. She led us in the Pledge Of Allegiance.

Carolyn asked for members to acknowledge an October birthday or anniversary. We sang Happy Birthday to congratulate Joann and Jane.

Minutes of the September 2013 meeting were read. The candidacy of Linda for Wagon Master was overlooked in the minutes. The minutes were approved as read.

Renate, Treasurer, reported a September balance of $441.29 and an October balance of


Wagonmaster Linda reported on the forthcoming campouts. Details can be found below.

Renate and Jim reported on the Dogs For The Deaf program.

Irv reported no coupons were mailed this month.

Irv circulated a copy of the thank you letter he sent to his union. He renewed the request for the names of anyone that has assisted members in our charitable programs.

Bob S. reported that we have four Boxes For Soldiers ready for shipping but that our source of shipping funds was unable to continue. Jim S. made a motion that the Chapter cover the cost of shipping and mail them. Dorothy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Jeannette reported that she and Jack have many items that are normally placed in the
boxes. Dorothy made a motion that we donate them to food pantries. Seconded by Don,
the motion passed unanimously.

Two factors are affecting our Boxes For Soldiers program; the troops are being removed from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the St. Louis Antique Car Club has discontinued covering mailing costs. President Brinkman asked us to think about this program and any other ideas of how we could honor our veterans with service. We should bring our suggestions to next month’s meeting.

Carolyn and Irv reported on the Samboree. During their attendance it was remembered that the Chapter By-laws require us to support the Samboree with cash donations. In the past we had our September meeting at the Samboree. This would affect the Wagon Master's Schedule. This will be discussed next month, to include a review of our financial support of the Samboree.


"How should we conduct our Christmas charitable effort this year?" Bring your ideas in November.


Renate thanked everyone for their prayers and support during her recent illness.

Thank you Jim and Phyllis for the excellent choice of RV Park, the fantastic dinner at the Abby and the wonderful entertainment.

A motion to adjourn was made by Jack. Seconded by Janet, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:39 A.M.

This month's 50/50 drawing was won by the Bricksons

September 20th-22nd: A campout hosted by Don & Bette at:
Cahokia RV Parque
4060 Mississippi Ave.
Cahokia, IL 62206
Phone: (618) 332-7700

Directions: Cahokia RV Park is located at the intersection of IL Route 3 and IL Route 157.
-> From I-255 northbound, use Exit 10 and follow Route 3 north 2.7 miles to its intersection with Route 157. The park will be on your left just past the light.
-> From St. Louis, cross the I-55/I-70/I-64 Poplar Street bridge and take Exit 1 - IL Route 3 south just across the river. Follow Route 3 south 3.2 miles to the park on your right - do not cross IL Route 157!
-> From the north on I-255, take Exit 13 (IL Route 157) east to IL Route 3, make a right and then a left into the park.

Cost: $25 cash per night for 30amp sites (with a minimun of 10 rigs) - payment by credit card & 50amp service available but will cost more.

Planned Activities:
Friday night - dinner at The Sawmill BBQ at the entrance to the campground followed by table games.
Saturday Morning: drive to Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site for a visit to the museum and grounds - lunch on your own.
Saturday Evening: drive to Eckert's in Belleville for dinner in The Country Restaurant followed by shopping for apples in the Country Store and live music on the plaza from 7-9pm.
Sunday morning: Potluck breakfast at the Sawmill BBQ meeting room followed by the business meeting.

August 16-18th: A campout hosted by Jerry & Joan at:
Perryville Campground

Memberships represented included: Basse, Brinkman, Charpiot, Ehrhard, Ford, Haynes, Hunter, Luzynski, Sheehan, Stanton, Tschannen and Weeks. Honorary members present were John and Teree accompanied by two of their grandsons.
Larry and Darlene joined us for their second visit and Bob and Sharon for their third outing with us.
On Saturday afternoon Gene and Betty stopped by to visit and show us their new car.

The weekend's activities began on Thursday with 8 rigs in camp by dinnertime. Most of the group went down to the Perryville Town Square where the Weeks had arranged for a table at the "15 West" Restaurant. It was "Any Pasta for $10 Night". Many opted for the high-end grilled shrimp pasta and reported that it was outstanding. Those who
selected other entrees were equally pleased with their meal.

Friday saw 6 more rigs arrive in camp. The day's activities began with a visit to "Stonie’s Sausage Shop" for a tour and lunch. It was fun to see them working on different products than we have seen before and they do make some great sandwiches for lunch. Of course everyone had to take the opportunity to stock up. Following lunch some went shopping while others returned to the Campground to rest, visit and begin preparations for the evening’s dinner. As usual, the efforts put into those preparations produced a wonderful meal in quantity that far exceeded our collective capacities. Leo won the ensuing game of pass-the-trash.

Saturday morning the last of our campers arrived. The first event of the day was a scenic trip to the Perry County Military History Museum. The Museum sponsored by American Legion Post 133 displays items of local interest from the Revolutionary War to and including the current actions in the Middle East. Those who visited were duly impressed. After lunch "on your own" we gathered at the pavilion for a Watermelon Social hosted by Jerry and Joan. It was the perfect wind-down to the day. Most everyone gathered at Ponderosa to attack the food bar, and return thereto, until once again filled to a limit almost bearable. The evening was capped off with the music and karaoke presented by the campground. Many of our members danced and cavorted into the night. Sorry, no pictures.

Sunday after the potluck breakfast the Business Meeting was convened and when adjourned it was time to say "goodbye 'till next month"

It was sure nice to have the August weather cooperate and be able to sit out and use the pavilion in comfort to eat and meet.


President Brinkman reminded everyone that we, the Three Rivers Good Sam Chapter, are to be
honored at the 2013 Samboree with the Top Dog Award for our support of Dogs For The Deaf. She has
reservation forms and hopes many will attend. A copy of the 2013 Registration Form was included with
the July Newsletter.


This was the third time Bob and Sharon have visited a Three Rivers event. They informed President Brinkman they would like to become members of our little group and she asked them to step outside the meeting area so a ballot could be taken. The membership was asked to vote to approve the Burhorn's membership. The vote "to approve" was unanimous. Welcome to Bob and Sharon!


Thanks to Jerry and Joan for an interesting and fun weekend, they did especially well with the weather.

At 9:55 A.M. a motion to adjourn was made by Janet, seconded by Joan and passed unanimously.

July 19th-21st: A campout hosted by Leo & Sandy at:
Cape Camping and RV Park

ACTIVITIES: There were six rigs in camp by Thursday evening. Everyone was pretty much on their own after getting setup and greeting those already settled. Activities included exploring the area, donating cash to the Isle Casino, grabbing dinner downtown or just hanging around the campground. In the evening the rec room was open for games and chatting.

Friday saw 4 more rigs arrive in camp. The day's activities included visits to Menards, touring Cape, shopping and another try at the Casino (see a trend developing here?). Dinner was arranged at "Casa Mexicana" and was followed by a big time game of pass- the-trash won by Irv.

Saturday morning the attraction for the early birds was the Cape Farmer's Market, which didn't seem to live up to expectations. After exhausting what the Market had to offer folks scattered off to lunch and other attractions, like the house that was built to look like a riverboat. To complete the trifecta, the Casino was hit one more time and, as far as this reporter knows, no one we know got rich there. Delmonico's was our place for dinner and all enjoyed the buffet. Following dinner was the rematch game of pass-the-trash. Janette made it through to the round of three with all of her nickels (3) and managed to pull out the win.

Sunday after the potluck breakfast the Business Meeting was convened and we all started to say goodbye.

June 21st -23rd: A campout hosted by Jack & Janette at:
Lazy Day Campground

ACTIVITIES: By Friday afternoon there were 10 rigs in camp. Between setting up and catching up, time for dinner was upon us. With the salad provided by Jack & Janette, the Pizzas and desserts brought by the members, dinner was enjoyably filling. The after dinner activity was pass-the-trash, which was won by Phyllis (in absentia) with the help of Joan and Bette who played on their honor to the very end.

Saturday morning it was up and at ‘em early to check out the new Danville Flea Market. Having exhausted the possibilities there, those with money still burning a hole in their pockets proceeded to the antique shops in Montgomery City. After lunch some explored around the area including Clarks Museum and Cafe in Williamsburg while others hung out at the Campground and just took it easy. After dinner at the Bar-B-Q restaurant on Hwy 19 it was back to "the room" for another go at pass-the-trash. This time Carolyn walked with the pot.

Sunday after a potluck breakfast the Business Meeting convened and following that the exodus began.

Perhaps the high light of the weekend occurred upon the arrival of Herr Hans Ulrich Wartenweiler and his amazing RV. Hans, a native of Switzerland, is preparing to live his lifelong dream, to travel the length of the Pan-American Highway.

He designed his RV and supervised its manufacture. His first test run was to Iceland in 2012. With that successfully completed, 2013 (January - July) has been devoted to touring Mexico and the USA.

After a quick return to Europe for business and some adjustments to the RV, this November will find him in Buenos Aires to begin 2 to 3 years of exploring South America followed by 2 to 3 years "doing" Central and North America, including Alaska and Canada. Beyond that he has designs on visiting both Australia and New Zealand.

A most congenial gentleman, Hans was eager to talk freely about his travels and his RV. We were most pleased that he joined us for both Saturday night pass-the-trash and for Sunday breakfast; and his company was enjoyed by us all and we wish him safe and joyous travels on his journey. His adventure can be followed on his website: http://www.mundolindo.ch/. It is in German but the pictures are universal. (Use Google Chrome to browse to his site and it attempt to translate it as best it can.)

May 17th-19th: A campout hosted by Gene and Betty at:
Ladybug RV Park

ACTIVITIES: While many members arrived earlier, serious activities began on Friday with a contingent trekking to St. James for breakfast at Country Bob’s Diner. We stayed occupied during the afternoon with good fellowship and the inevitable games of Washers and Ladder Golf. It was reported that some folks returned to St. James for a tour of the “Simplicity” factory. Gene and Betty provided the main course for dinner, Taco fixin’s, while the rest of the attendees brought desserts and snacks. Following dinner we gathered in the rec room for pass-the-trash, which was won by Ron.

On Saturday many explored the Cuba area, visiting the “Cuba Craft Fair”, a local flea market, and taking lunch at the “Cuba Bakery and Deli”. Reports of the quality and quantity of the food were glowing. Jim and Mag stopped in to visit during the afternoon and stayed to join us for dinner at Missouri Hick Bar-B-Que. Back to the rec-room again for pass-the-trash, won this time by Jerry.

After our Sunday morning potluck breakfast, the business meeting was convened.

April 19th-21st: The first campout of the year was hosted by Leon & Jane at:
Big Creek RV Park

With stormy weather threatening, several campers delayed their usual Thursday arrival until Friday, but by the end of the day, nine rigs were in camp. A “chili dump” and salad Dinner was assembled in the park’s spacious rec room. After dinner members retired to their rigs to listen to the rain on the roof or took part in board games, anything to avoid the wind and rain.

Saturday finally broke the weather with sunshine and some warmth. Attendees took the opportunity to explore the area and just be outside. Dinner was at “Baylee Joe’s” barbeque and was followed by a hayride hosted by Craig and a bonfire where Patty provided marshmallows for roasting. Carolyn took advantage of the opportunity to introduce us to yet another of her variety of “S’Mores”. You gotta’ try ‘em made with Girl Scout “Thin Mints”! After all that activity most of us retired to the rec room for “Pass-the- Trash”, which was won by Jane.

After our traditional Sunday morning pot-luck breakfast the business meeting was convened.

March 17th @ 12:00 pm.: A luncheon meeting, hosted by Fred and Janet at:
The Bistro at the Square
48 Jefferson Square (Hwy 21)
De Soto, MO

February 17th @ 1:00 pm.: A luncheon meeting, hosted by Bob & Jan at:
#30 Walters Place
House Springs, MO.

January 20th @ 1:00 pm.: A luncheon meeting, hosted by Jim & Renate at:
Jilly’s Café & Steakhouse
1630 Gravois Rd.
High Ridge MO 63409


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